Constitution and By-laws of the Confederated Tribes of the
Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians

Adopted: 1987

The tribe makes their constitution available online. The link below will take you to the version of the constitution available on the tribe's website.

CTCLUSI Constitution

Table of Contents

Article I - Authority of Government

Section 1. Jurisdiction
Section 2. Territory
Article II - Hunting, Fishing, and Gathering Rights
Article III - Membership

Section 1. Membership Requirements
Section 2. Dual Membership Prohibited
Section 3. Prohibition on Membership
Section 4. Enrollment Ordiance and Procedure
Section 5. Membership Roll
Section 6. Adoption
Section 7. Loss of Membership
Seciton 8. Membership under the Restoration Act
Article IV - Rights of Members
Section 1. Individual Rights
Article V - General Council
Section 1. General Council
Section 2. Procedures
Article VI - Tribal Council
Section 1. Membership
Section 2. Tribal Coucil Authority
Section 3. General Council Authority
Section 4. Procedures
Article VII - Tribal Court
Section 1. Establishment

Article VIII - Elections
Section 1. Members' Voting Rights
Section 2. Voting Procedures
Section 3. Election of the Tribal Council and Tribal Chief, Term of Office
Section 4. Qualifications of Candidates; Nomination Procedures
Seciton 5. First Election
Article IX - Vacancies
Section 1. Vacancies
Article X - Removal and Recall
Section 1. Removal
Seciton 2. Recall
Article XI - Tribal Chief
Section 1. Description
Section 2. Duties
Section 3. Vacancy
Article XII - Initiative and Referendum
Section 1. Initiative
Section 2. Referendum
Article XIII - Amendments
Section 1. Amendment
Section 2. Constitutional Convention
Article XIV - Adoption
Article XV - Severability
Article XVI - Certificate of Results of Election
Article XVII - Approval