Constitution of the Absentee Shawnee Tribe

Ratified: May 10, 2019

The tribe makes their tribal constitution available online. The link below will take you to the version of the constitution available on the tribe's website.

Constitution at the tribe's website.

Table of Contents
Article I - Name
Article II - Jurisdiction
Article III - Membership
Article IV - Tribal Government
Article V - Powers
Article VI - Elections
Article VII - Removal, Recall and Forfeiture
Article VIII - Vacancies Article IX - Initiative and Referendum
Article X - Bill of Rights

Article XI - Savings Clause
Article XII - Amendments
Article XIII - Duties of Officers
Article XIV - Qualification of Candidates
Article XV - Installation of Officers
Article XVI - Meetings
Article XVII - Quorum
Article XVIII - Tribal Legislation
Article XIX - Ratification

[Table of Contents created by NILL in August 2024, based on version of the constitution on tribe's website.]