Passed Legislation from the 114th Congress


See also: H.R.1168

Title: Native American Children's Safety Act

Sponsors: Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND]

Committees: Senate - Indian Affairs

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-165 (PDF) on 6/3/16

Summary: Amends the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act to prohibit the final approval of any foster care placement or a foster care license from being issued until the tribal social services agency: (1) completes a criminal records check of each covered individual who resides in the household or is employed at the institution in which the foster care placement will be made, and (2) concludes that each of those individuals meets the tribe's standards established pursuant to this Act. Defines a "covered individual" as an adult and any other individual the tribe determines is subject to a criminal records check.

Requires the Tribe's standards to include requirements that each tribal social services agency: (1) perform criminal records checks, including fingerprint-based checks of national crime information databases; (2) check any abuse registries maintained by the Indian tribe; (3) check any child abuse and neglect registry maintained by the state, and any tribal abuse registries maintained in the state, in which the individual resides; (4) request any other state in which the individual resided during the preceding five years to enable the agency to check its registry; and (5) any other additional requirements that the Indian tribe determines is necessary and permissible within its existing authority, such as the creation of voluntary agreements with state entities in order to facilitate the sharing of information related to the performance of criminal records checks.

Prohibits a foster care placement from being ordered if the investigation reveals that a covered individual has been found guilty by a federal, state, or tribal court of a felony involving child abuse or neglect, spousal abuse, a crime against a child, violence, or drugs.

Exempts emergency foster care placements from such requirements.

Requires Indian tribes to establish procedures to recertify homes or institutions in which foster care placements are made.

Directs the Department of the Interior to issue guidance regarding: (1) procedures for a criminal records check of any covered individual who resides in the home or is employed at the institution in which the child is placed after the investigations that preceded that placement occurred, (2) self-reporting requirements for foster care homes or institutions that have knowledge that a covered individual residing on their premises would fail a criminal records check, (3) promising practices used by Indian tribes to address emergency foster care placements, and (4) procedures for certifying compliance with the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act.

News Articles: Hoeven examines implementation of the Native American Children's Safety Act of 2016 (Foreign Affairs NZ) 4/26/17, Commentary on the Native American Children's Safety Act (Turtle Talk) 6/14/16, Obama signs bill protecting children in tribal foster care (Star Tribune) 6/3/16, Native American Children's Safety Act clears last hurdle on Capitol Hill (Indianz) 5/24/16, Native American bills we're watching in the 114th Congress (Noodls) 3/11/16, Senate Passes Bipartisan Bills to Help Native Children (USSC on Indian Affairs) 6/1/2015, Foster-parenting rules may change for natives (Durango Herald) 6/1/2015, House committee passes Native American Children's Safety Act (Indianz) 3/27/15, Indian Affairs Committee approves Hoeven's Native American Children's Safety Act (Targeted News Service) 2/5/15


See Also: H.R.2751

Title: Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff Commission on Native Children Act

Sponsors: Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND]

Committees: Senate- Indian Affairs, House- Natural Resources

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-244 (PDF) on 10/14/16

Summary: (Sec. 3) This bill establishes the Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff Commission on Native Children in the Office of Tribal Justice of the Department of Justice.

The commission must conduct a comprehensive study of federal, state, local, and tribal programs that serve Native children, including an evaluation of:

  • the impact of concurrent jurisdiction on child welfare systems;
  • barriers Indian tribes and Native Hawaiians face in using public and private grant resources;
  • obstacles to nongovernmental financial support for programs benefitting Native children;
  • issues relating to the validity and statistical significance of data on Native children;
  • barriers to the development of sustainable, multidisciplinary programs designed to assist high-risk Native children and their families;
  • cultural or socioeconomic challenges in communities of Native children;
  • examples of successful program models and use of best practices in programs that serve children and families;
  • barriers to interagency coordination; and
  • the use of memoranda of agreement or interagency agreements to facilitate or improve agency coordination.

The commission must use the results of the study and analyses of existing federal data to: (1) develop plans for federal policy relating to Native children informed by the development of accurate child well-being measures; (2) recommend modifications and improvements to programs for Native children that integrate the cultural strengths of Native communities; (3) recommend improvements to the collection of data regarding Native children and the programs that serve them; and (4) identify models of successful programs.

When developing plans for federal policy, the commission may not consider or recommend recognition or establishment of a government-to-government relationship with an entity not recognized on or before the date of enactment of this bill.

The commission must report its findings, conclusions, and recommendations for legislative and administrative action. The commission is terminated 90 days after the report is submitted.

News Articles: United Tribes president appointed to commission on Native children (Bismarck Tribune) 1/22/17, President Barack Obama names first members of Native youth commission (Indianz) 1/17/17, Governnent act will benefit Native children (Indian Country Today) 12/10/16, Obama signs new law for Native American children (Jamestown Sun) 10/15/16, Congress approves bill to help Native American children (News Miner) 10/2/16, Bill addressing Native American children closer to becoming law (The Jamestown Sun) 9/15/16, House schedules action on Native youth and tribal tourism bills (Indianz) 9/12/16, Bill to create commission on Native youth inches closer to passage (Indianz) 7/14/16, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs taking quick action on bills (Indianz) 5/12/16, Sen. Heitkamp discusses the need for a commission on Native children (Indian Country Today) 2/5/15, Senate Passes Bipartisan Bills to Help Native Children (USSC on Indian Affairs) 6/1/2015


See also: H.R.1406

Title: New Mexico Navajo Water Settlement Technical Corrections Act

Sponsors: Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM]

Committees: Senate- Indian Affairs, House- Natural Resources

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law 114-57 (PDF) on 9/30/15

Summary: (Sec. 2) Amends the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 to expand the current authorization for the construction or rehabilitation and operation and maintenance of conjunctive use wells in the San Juan River Basin, Little Colorado River Basin, and Rio Grande Basin in New Mexico to include the planning and design of those wells.

Revises the percentages of funds authorized for the Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project, conjunctive use wells, and San Juan River Irrigation Projects that may be made available for specified purposes by:

  • increasing from 2% to 4% the portion of funds that may be used for the survey, recovery, protection, preservation, and display of archaeological resources in the area of a Project facility or conjunctive use well; and
  • decreasing from 4% to 2% the portion of funds that may be used for purchasing land and constructing and maintaining facilities to mitigate the loss of, and improve conditions for the propagation of, fish and wildlife.

Makes technical corrections.

News Articles: Changes to Navajo Nation water rights settlement signed into law (Indianz) 10/1/15


See Also: S.438, S.1125, S.1822, S.1983, S.2717, S.2848, H.R.1296, H.R.3079, H.R.4685, H.R.5303, H.R.5633, H.R.5984

Title: Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act

Sponsors: Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX]

Committees: Senate - Environment and Public Works, House - Transportation and Infrastructure

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-322 (PDF) on 12/16/16

Summary: Currently not available.

News Articles: Interior Secretary Jewell, tribal leaders mark enactment of four additional water rights settlements for Indian Country (eNews Park Forest) 1/13/17, Obama signs Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act (JD Supra) 1/04/17, President signs bill to return ancient skeleton to Native Americans (Argus Observer) 12/20/16, President signs bill including historic Oklahoma water agreement (Daily Oklahoman) 12/20/16, Several Indian Country bills enacted into law (National Law Review) 12/19/16, Oklahoma tribes win approval of water deal without so much as a hearing in Congress (Indianz) 12/13/16, National water bill offers a bunch of goodies for Indian Country (Indianz) 12/13/16, Congress just resolved a 20-year debate over Neolithic remains (The Hill) 12/12/16, Congress approves water infrastructure bill- includes approval of Oklahoma, Chickasaw, and Choctaw water agreement (Oklahoma Farm Report) 12/10/16, Kennewick Man would return to tribes under law pending in Congress (KNKX) 12/8/16


See Also: H.R.3211

Title: A bill to provide for the addition of certain real property to the reservation of the Siletz Tribe in the State of Oregon

Sponsors: Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]

Committees: Senate - Indian Affairs

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-262 (PDF) on 12/14/16

Summary: (This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The expanded summary of the Senate reported version is repeated here.)

(Sec. 2) This bill amends the Siletz Tribe Indian Restoration Act to authorize the Department of the Interior to take into trust for the Siletz Tribe additional lands that lie within the original 1855 Siletz Coast Reservation and are located in Benton, Douglas, Lane, Lincoln, Tillamook, and Yamhill counties in Oregon.

Such land must be considered and evaluated as an on-reservation acquisition and become part of the tribe's reservation. (Off-reservation land acquisition requests require Interior to give greater scrutiny to the tribe's justification of the anticipated benefits from the acquisition.)

Gaming is prohibited on lands taken into trust pursuant to this Act.

News Articles: President Obama signs land bills for two tribes in Oregon into law (Indianz) 12/15/16, Congress passes long-awaited land bills for two tribes in Oregon (Indianz) 12/6/16, Senate passes bill to improve Indian employment and training (Indian Country Today) 7/16/16


Title: A bill to amend the Grand Ronde Reservation Act to make technical corrections, and for other purposes

Sponsors: Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]

Committees: Senate - Indian Affairs

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-263 (PDF) on 12/14/16

Summary: (This measure has not been amended since it was reported to the Senate on March 16, 2016. The summary of that version is repeated here.)

(Sec. 1) The Department of the Interior may accept title to any real property located within the boundaries of the original 1857 reservation of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon (comprising land within the political boundaries of Polk and Yamhill Counties, Oregon), if such real property is transferred to the United States by or on behalf of the tribes.

Interior must treat such a transfer of real property as an on-reservation trust acquisition. Gaming is prohibited on such real property, except for real property within two miles of a specified gaming facility. Real property taken into trust within the boundaries of the original reservation after September 9, 1988, must be considered part of the reservation.

News Articles: President Obama signs land bills for two tribes in Oregon into law (Indianz) 12/15/16, Congress passes long-awaited land bills for two tribes in Oregon (Indianz) 12/6/16, Senate passes bill to improve Indian employment and training (Indian Country Today) 7/16/16


Title: Albuquerque Indian School Land Transfer Act

Sponsors: Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM]

Committees: Senate- Indian Affairs

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law 114-69 (PDF) on 10/16/15

Summary: (Sec. 3) Directs the Department of the Interior to take into trust 4 tracts of federal land in New Mexico, the combined acreage of which is approximately 11.11 acres, that were historically part of the Albuquerque Indian School for the benefit of 19 specified pueblos immediately after the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 have been satisfied regarding the trust acquisition of such federal land.

Requires the federal lands taken into trust to be used for the educational, health, cultural, business, and economic development of the 19 pueblos.

Requires the federal lands taken into trust to remain subject to any private or municipal encumbrance, right-of-way, restriction, easement of record, or utility service agreement in effect on this Act's enactment date.

Requires the 19 pueblos to allow the Bureau of Indian Affairs to continue to use the federal lands taken into trust for the facilities and purposes as in existence on this Act's enactment date.

(Sec. 4) Prohibits gaming from being carried out on the federal lands taken into trust under this Act.

News Articles: Congress approves land-into-trust bill for Pueblos in New Mexico (Indianz) 10/7/15


Title: Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. See Title VII-INDIAN, NATIVE HAWAIIAN, AND ALASKA NATIVE EDUCATION

Sponsors: Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]

Ammendment: Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM], SA2149: To allow the Bureau of Indian Education to apply for certain competitive grants under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.

Committess: Senate - Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-95 (PDF) on 12/10/15

Summary: Specific provisions in the new law will help Native students succeed by: 

- Requiring local and state education agencies to consult and partner with Tribes on policies impacting Native students;  - Strengthening programs to improve academic achievement of Native students; 
- Supporting schools that primarily instruct in Native languages to promote the revitalization and maintenance of Native American languages, which both senators have long supported as part of Udall's Building Upon Unique Indian Learning and Development (BUILD) Act; 
- Allowing funds to be used for violence, abuse, and suicide prevention activities, culturally related activities, and family literacy programs; 
- Requiring the Department of the Interior and the Department of Health and Human Services to report on efforts to address suicides among K-12 students in Indian Country; 
- Establishing and operating family engagement centers;
- Expanding eligibility for Tribal schools to access funds for school leadership recruitment, arts programs and gifted programs; and 
- Preserving education programs to train teachers, and offer fellowships for Native students who want to become teachers. 

News Articles: More states focusing on Native American students (The Register-Guard) 9/11/16, As school starts, more states focus on Native American students (Pew Charitable Trust) 9/8/16, Size matters: Decoding the new education law (Indian Country Today) 6/7/16, Udall, Heinrich Highlight Initiatives for Native American Students in New Education Law (Grant County Beat) 12/16/15


See Also: H.R.3477

Title: Native American Tourism and Improving Visitor Experience Act (NATIVE Act)

Sponsors: Sen. Schatz, Brian [D-HI]

Committees: Senate - Indian Affairs, House - Natural Resources; Energy and Commerce; House Administration

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-221 (PDF) on 9/23/16

Summary: (Sec. 4) This bill requires the Department of Commerce, the Department of the Interior, and federal agencies with recreational travel or tourism functions to update their management plans and tourism initiatives to include Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and Native Hawaiian organizations.

The plans must outline proposals to:

  • improve travel and tourism data collection and analysis,
  • increase the usability of public information and federal websites,
  • support national tourism goals,
  • identify programs that could support tourism infrastructure in Native American communities,
  • develop visitor portals and assets that showcase and respect the diversity of Native Americans,
  • share local Native American heritage through the development of bilingual signage, and
  • improve access to transportation programs for building capacity for Native American community tourism and trade.

Interior and Commerce must: (1) work with a facilitator to provide technical assistance to Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and Native Hawaiian organizations regarding participation in the tourism industry, and (2) report on departmental efforts supporting such participation.

(Sec. 5) Federal agencies must: (1) support Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and Native Hawaiian organizations in showcasing their history, culture, and continuing vitality, enhancing or maintaining their distinctive cultural features, and providing authentic and respectful visitor experiences; (2) assist in interpreting the connections between Native Americans and the national identity of the United States; (3) enhance efforts to promote understanding and respect for diverse cultures in the United States and the relevance of those cultures; and (4) ensure that travelers at airports and ports of entry are welcomed in a manner that both showcases and respects the diversity of Native American communities.

Grants relating to travel, recreation, or tourism for which Indian tribes, tribal organizations, or Native Hawaiian organizations are eligible may be used to: (1) support their efforts to present their story and culture, (2) revitalize Native American communities using the arts and humanities, and (3) carry out this Act.

The Smithsonian Institution must work with Indian tribes, tribal organizations, Native Hawaiian organizations, and nonprofits to share collections and conduct joint research and projects with museums, educational organizations, and cultural organizations.

News Articles: NATIVE Act, Tribal Tourism to Take Center Stage at RES New Mexico (Indian Country Today) 11/10/16, NATIVE Act aims to promote Native tourism (The Circle) 11/3/16, Bill aimed at boosting cultural tourism goes to President Obama (Pacific Business News) 9/13/16, House schedules action on Native youth and tribal tourism bills (Indianz) 9/12/16, Senate passes measure to include Indian Country in tourism plans (Indianz) 4/27/16, SCIA hears nine bills, passes two during business meeting (Indian Country Today) 10/9/15, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs approves two bills at meeting (Indianz) 10/7/15, Senators Schatz, Thune, colleagues introduce bipartisan legislation to improve and grow tourism in Native communities (John Thune) 6/17/2015 , NATIVE Act introduced in US Senate with bipartisan support (Indian Country Today) 6/17/2015


Title: To allow the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma to lease or transfer certain lands

Sponsors: Rep. Mullin, Markwayne [R-OK-2]

Committees: House- Natural Resources, Senate- Indian Affairs

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-127 (PDF) on 2/29/2016

Summary: Allows the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma to lease, sell, convey, warrant, or transfer all or any part of its interests in any real property that is not held in trust by the United States for the tribe.

News Articles: Miami Tribe credits legislative success to support from lawmakers (Indianz) 3/1/16, Miami Nation scores another legislative win with land measure (Indianz) 2/16/16, SCIA hears nine bills, passes two during business meeting (Indian Country Today) 10/9/15, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs approves two bills at meeting (Indianz) 10/7/15, H.R. 487.


See Also: S.321

Title: To revoke the charter of incorporation of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma at the request of that tribe, and for other purposes

Sponsors: Rep. Mulin, Markwayne [R-OK-2]

Committees: House- Natural Resources, Senate- Indian Affairs

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law 114-28 (PDF) on 7/06/2015

Summary: Accepts the request of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma to revoke the charter of incorporation issued to that tribe and ratified by its members on June 1, 1940.

News Articles: Miami Tribe credits legislative success to support from lawmakers (Indianz) 3/1/16


See also: S.383

Title: Indian Trust Asset Reform Act

Sponsors: Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2]

Committees: House - Natural Resources

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-178 (PDF) on 6/22/16


(Sec. 102) This bill reaffirms the federal government's duty to promote tribal self-determination.


Indian Trust Asset Management Demonstration Project Act of 2016

(Sec. 203) The Department of the Interior must establish an Indian trust asset management demonstration project that allows tribes to propose Indian trust asset management plans. To be approved by Interior, these plans must establish objectives and priorities for trust assets and allocate sufficient funding for asset management to meet the objectives and priorities.

(Sec. 205) Interior may approve a trust asset management plan that allows the Indian tribe to enter into, approve, and carry out a surface leasing transaction or forest land management activity without Interior's approval, under certain conditions.

The United States is not liable for losses that result from: (1) a forest land management activity or lease under a trust asset management plan, or (2) management standards under a trust asset management plan that are less-stringent than Interior otherwise requires.


(Sec. 303) Interior may establish an Under Secretary for Indian Affairs who is to report directly to the Secretary of the Interior and coordinate with the Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians (OST) to ensure an orderly transition of the functions of the OST to an agency or bureau within Interior.

(Sec. 304) Interior must prepare a transition plan and timetable for the termination of the OST.

(Sec. 305) Appraisals and valuations of Indian trust property must be administered by a single administrative entity within Interior.

Interior must establish minimum qualifications for individuals to prepare appraisals and valuations of Indian trust property. An appraisal or valuation by a qualified person is considered final without being reviewed or approved by Interior.

(Sec. 306) Representatives of entities that advise Interior on Indian program budget or funding issues may make recommendations regarding the use of savings realized from the transfer of the functions of the OST.

News Articles: Interior Department updates information about trust reform talks (Indianz) 8/3/16, Interior Department consults tribes about new trust reform law (Indianz) 7/22/16, Legislation providing tribes greater autonomy managing assets signed by President (Sen. Mike Crapo) 6/24/16, President signs Indian Trust Asset Management Reform Act into law (Press Release Point) 6/22/16, Indian Trust Asset Reform Act sent to President Obama for final approval (Tribal Tribune) 6/17/16, Tribes pressure President Obama to sign trust reform legislation (Indianz) 6/15/16, Indian Country applauds passage of trust reform bill (Native News Today) 6/13/16, Congress passes first comprehensive Indian trust bill in decades (Indianz) 6/10/16, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs taking quick action on bills (Indianz) 5/12/16, House approves bill to reform trust duties at Interior Department (Indianz) 2/25/16


See Also: S.1761

Title: To take certain Federal lands located in Lassen County, California, into trust for the benefit of the Susanville Indian Rancheria, and for other purposes.

Sponsors: Rep. LaMalfa, Doug [R-CA-1]

Committees: House - Natural Resources, Senate - Indian Affairs

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-181 (PDF) on 6/22/16

Summary: (Sec. 1) This bill takes into trust for the benefit of the Susanville Indian Rancheria approximately 301 acres of federal land under the administrative jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management in Lassen County, California.

Certain gaming on these lands is prohibited.

News Articles: Susanville Tribes welcome back 300 acres of land via new law (Indian Country Today) 6/24/16, President Obama signs land-into-trust bill for Susanville Rancheria (Indianz) 6/22/16, Susanville Rancheria land-into-trust bill sent to President Obama (Indianz) 6/10/16, House passes bill to place land in trust for Susanville Rancheria (Indianz) 12/1/15


See Also: S.2326

Title: Billy Frank Jr. Tell Your Story Act

Sponsors: Rep. Heck, Denny [D-WA-10]

Committees: House- Natural Resources

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-101 (PDF) on 12/18/15

Summary: (Sec. 2) This bill redesignates the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge in Washington state as the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge.

(Sec. 3) The bill establishes, as a unit of the National Park System, the Medicine Creek Treaty National Memorial within the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge to commemorate the location of the signing of the Medicine Creek Treaty of 1854 between the U.S. government and leaders of the Muckleshoot, Nisqually, Puyallup, and Squaxin Island Indian Tribes.

The Department of the Interior must: (1) establish the boundaries of the Medicine Creek Treaty National Memorial and to provide for its administration and interpretation by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; and (2) coordinate with representatives of the Muckleshoot, Nisqually, Puyallup, and Squaxin Island Indian Tribes in providing for that interpretation.

News Articles: Senate Bill Introduced to Rename Wildlife Refuge After Billy Frank Jr. (Indian Country Today) 11/20/15


See Also: S.1436

Title: Nevada Native Nations Land Act

Sponsors: Rep. Amodei, Mark E. [R-NV-2]

Committees: House- Natural Resources

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-232 (PDF) on 10/07/16

Summary: (Sec. 3) This bill requires the United States to hold in trust the following lands for the benefit of:

  • the Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe of the Fort McDermitt Indian Reservation, 19,094 acres of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land;
  • the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Indian Reservation, 82 acres of Forest Service land;
  • the Summit Lake Paiute Tribe, 941 acres of BLM land;
  • the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, 13,434 acres of BLM land;
  • the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, 6,357 acres of BLM land; and
  • the Duckwater Shoshone Tribe 31,269 acres of BLM land.

The lands held for these tribes shall be part of their respective reservations.

(Sec. 4) Gaming is prohibited on these lands.

News Articles: President Obama signs Nevada Native Nations Land Act into law (Indianz) 10/7/16, Bipartisan Amoedi bill addressing tribal land issues in Nevada becomes law (Ripon Advance) 10/13/16, President Obama signs Nevada Native Nations Land Act into law (Indianz) 10/7/16, House passes land-into-trust bills for tribes in Nevada and Arizona (Indianz) 6/8/16, Senate approves bill to transfer federal lands to six Nevada tribes (Indianz) 4/14/16, Senate Indian Affairs Committee issues report on land into trust for Indian tribes (Investor Point) 3/5/16


See Also: S.2032

Title: National Bison Legacy Act

Sponsors: Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]

Committees: House - Oversight and Government Reform

Lastest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-152 (PDF) on 5/9/16

Summary: This bill adopts the North American bison as the national mammal of the United States.

News Articles: Bison are our new national mammal. Here's what you can and can't do with them (Washington Post) 5/10/16, It's official: America's first national mammal is the bison (Washington Post) 5/9/16


See Also: H.R.8

Title: To amend the Department of Energy Organization Act and the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act of 1976 to modernize terms relating to minorities

Sponsors: Rep. Meng, Grace [D-NY-6]

Committees: House - Energy and Commerce; Transportation and Infrastructure

Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 114-157 (PDF) on 5/20/16

Summary: This bill amends: (1) the Department of Energy Organization Act to revise the definition of "minority" to mean any U.S. citizen who is an Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, African American, Hispanic, Puerto Rican, Native American, or Alaska Native; and (2) the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act of 1976 to revise the definition of "minority group members" (who own minority group enterprises) to mean U.S. citizens who are Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islanders, African American, Hispanic, Native American, or Alaska Natives.

News Articles: Alaska Natives welcome removal of 'Eskimo' from federal laws (Indianz) 5/24/16, Obama signs measure to get rid of the word 'Eskimo' in federal laws (Alaska Dispatch) 5/23/16, Congress passes bill to remove 'Eskimo' and 'Aleut' from two laws (Indianz) 5/13/16


Proposed Legislation from the 114th Congress

Business & Economics


See also: H.R.308

Title: Keep the Promise Act of 2015

News Articles: Senate Indian Affairs Committee to look at tribal gaming industry (Indianz Gaming) 7/13/15, Franks' H.R. 308 - Keep the Promise Act passes Natural Resources Committee (Peoria Times) 3/25/15


Title: Irrigation Rehabilitation and Renovation for Indian Tribal Governments and Their Economies (IRRIGATE) Act

News Articles: Several Indian Country bills enacted into law (National Law Review) 12/19/16, US Senate bill would address aging reservation irrigation projects (County 10) 2/12/15


Title: Authorizing Alaska Production Act


Title: A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the depreciation rules for property used predominantly within an Indian reservation


See Also: H.R.3043

Title: Tribal Tax Incentive for Renewable Energy Act

News Articles: Grijalva seeks renewable energy tax credits for tribes (Public News Service) 7/14/15, Legislation seeks to extend renewable energy tax credit to tribal governments (Four Corners News) 7/13/2015, Heinrich, Grijalva introduce bill to boost clean energy development on tribal lands (Heinrich Press Release) 7/13/2015


Title: Alaska Native Access Card Act


Title: Indian Community Economic Enhancement Act of 2016

News Articles: Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on the following bills: S. 2285, S. 3234, S. 3261 & H.R. 4685 (U.S. Senate on Indian Affairs) 8/29/16


Title: Native American Busines Incubators Program Act

News Articles: Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on the following bills: S. 2285, S. 3234, S. 3261 & H.R. 4685 (U.S. Senate on Indian Affairs) 8/29/16


Title: A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve the treatment of pension and employee benefit plans maintained by tribal governments.


Title: A bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to transfer to the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation investment income held in certain funds


See also: S.1443

Title: Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Consolidation Act of 2015

News Articles: Senate passes bill to improve Indian employment and training (Indian Country Today) 7/16/16, Senate Indian Affairs Committee issues report amending Indian Employment, Training Demonstration Act (Investor Point) 3/12/16


See also: S.175

Title: Economic Development Through Tribal Land Exchange Act


See also: S. 248

Title: Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act of 2015

News Articles: Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act still in limbo in heated election year (Indianz) 10/18/16, House Appropriations marks up labor spending bill (Politico) 7/716, Amendment drafted for Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act in defense bill (Indianz) 6/13/16, Senate gets back to work (Politico) 6/6/16 (S.Amdt.4066 to S.2943) (Federal Register Proposed Rule), Indian Country presses Supreme Court to hear labor law dispute (Indianz) 5/31/16 (Turtle Talk material), Tribal groups want Senate to take up anti-NLRB bill (Politico) 4/7/16, Indian Country pushes for action on Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act (Indianz) 4/7/16, Tribes still shoring up support for Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act (Indianz) 2/23/16, House bill would let tribes set own labor rules (Denver Post) 11/18/15, Obama Choices His Agenda Over American-Indians (The Daily Caller) 11/18/15, A new day now for Indian Country (The Hill) 6/17/2014


Title: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permit Indian tribal governments to be shareholders of S corporations


Title: Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas Equal and Fair Opportunity Settlement Act


Title: Honoring Our Trust Relationships (HOT-R) Act


Title: Reducing Employer Burdens, Unleashing Innovation, and Labor Development Act of 2015. See TITLE IX—INCREASING ONSHORE OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT AND ENERGY SECURITY. CHAPTER 3—OIL SHALE. Subtitle C National Petroleum Reserve In Alaska Access and Subtitle E Native American Energy.


Title: Tribal Tax and Investment Reform Act of 2016


Title: Tribal Marijuana Sovereignty Act

News Articles: Senate panel rejects marijuana amendment in tribal jurisdiction bill (Indianz) 6/22/16, Bill addresses marijuana in Indian Country (Indianz) 6/9/16, Tribal Marijuana Sovereignty Act protects federal funds for tribes (Indianz) 4/20/16


Title: California Compact Protection Act

News Articles: Enterprise Rancheria waits on Bureau of Indian Affairs for Class III gaming procedures (Indianz) 7/8/16, Bill grants states a veto over tribal gaming rights (Indianz) 5/16/16, Placing proposed amendments to IGRA in historical context (Turtle Talk) 5/16/16


Title: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend for one year the Indian employment credit.


Title: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend for two years the Indian employment credit.

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Community Development


Title: Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self-Determination Act Amendments of 2015

News Articles: Senate approves bill to boost energy development on tribal lands (Indianz) 4/21/16 (S.2012), Senate approves bill to streamline Indian energy development (Indianz) 12/11/15


Title: Tribal Infrastructure and Roads Enhancement and Safety (TIRES) Act

News Articles: Senate Indian Affairs Committee issues report on tribal infrastructure, road enhancement (Investor Point) 3/5/16


Title: Dam Repairs and Improvements for Tribes (DRIFT) Act of 2016

News Articles: Several Indian Country bills enacted into law (National Law Review) 12/19/16, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs approves eight bills at meeting (Indianz) 4/28/16


Title: Tribal Youth and Community Protection Act

News Articles: Lakota Country Times: Senate committee approves tribal justice bill (Indianz) 7/6/16, Effort builds for missing and murdered Native women and girls (Indianz) 6/29/16, Senate panel rejects marijuana amendment in tribal jurisdiction bill (Indianz) 6/22/16 (Recording of Debate), Cherokee tribes support Senate bill to expand criminal authority (Indianz) 6/21/16, Capitol Hill briefing set on violence against Native women and men (Indianz) 6/14/16, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs taking quick action on bills (Indianz) 5/12/16, Bill in Senate expands tribal jurisdiction over non-Indian offenders (Indianz) 4/14/16


Title: Native American Energy Act

News Articles: Republicans push controversial Indian energy bill through House (Indianz) 10/9/15, US House passes Native energy bill; White House threatens veto (Alaska Public) 10/9/15, White House blasts Native American Energy Act ahead of vote (Indianz) 10/8/15, Controversy brews as House takes up Native American Energy Act (Indianz) 10/6/15, Bishop: 'Native American Energy Act' Corrects an Unjust Regulatory Scheme, is a Boon to Indian Country (Natural Resource House Committee) 9/11/15


Title: Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Act of 2015

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See Also: H.R.1082

Title: Building upon Unique Indian Learning and Development Act

News Articles: Native American bills we're watching in the 114th Congress (Noodls) 3/11/16, Senate Indian Affairs Committee to hear three education bills (Indianz) 11/17/15, Native American Education Goes to Congress: 7 Bills to Watch (Indian Country Today) 6/10/2015


See Also: H.R.2174

Title: Native American Languages Reauthorization Act of 2015

News Articles: Native American bills we're watching in the 114th Congress (Noodls) 3/11/16, Senate Indian Affairs Committee to hear three education bills (Indianz) 11/17/15, Native American education goes to congress: 7 bills to watch (Indian Country Today) 6/10/2015


See Also: H.R.1089

Title: Native American Indian Education Act

News Articles: Native American education goes to congress: 7 bills to watch (Indian Country Today) 6/10/2015


Title: Native Language Immersion Student Achievement Act

News Articles: Senate Indian Affairs Committee issues report on Native Language Immersion Student Achievement Act (Investor Point) 3/5/16, Immersion school bill clears hurdle (Indianz) 11/5/15


See Also: H.R.3252

Title: Extracurricular Programs for Indian Children Act of 2015


See Also: H.R.5700

Title: The Native Education Support and Training Act (NEST Act)

News Article: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs approves eight bills at meeting (Indianz) 4/28/16, Native American bills we're watching in the 114th Congress (Noodls) 3/11/16, Tester's Native American Educator Bill gets a hearing (High Beam) 11/20/15, Senate Indian Affairs Committee to hear three education bills (Indianz) 11/17/15, Sen. Tester introduces bill to support education of Indian children (Tedna) 8/5/15


See Also: H.R.5072

Title:Tribal Early Childhood, Education, and Related Services Integration Act of 2015

News Articles: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs approves eight bills at meeting (Indianz) 4/28/16, Tester aims to bolster Native American early childhood education (High Beam) 11/20/15


See Also: H.R.4744

Title: Safe Academic Facilities and Environments for Tribal Youth (SAFETY) Act

News Articles: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs approves eight bills at meeting (Indianz) 4/28/16, Native American bills we're watching in the 114th Congress (Noodls) 3/11/16


Title: Dine College Act of 2016

News Articles: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs approves eight bills at meeting (Indianz) 4/28/16, Senators seek reauthorization of tribally controlled college (Santa Fee New Mexican) 2/25/16


Title: Reforming American Indian Standards of Education Act (RAISE Act) of 2016

News Articles: Bill to create new Indian education agency draws Democratic fire (Indianz) 5/10/16


Title: Native American Education Opportunity Act

News Articles: Bill to create ESAs for Native American students passes Senate Committee (The Herald Institute) 10/13/16, Controversial Indian education bill advances on party-line vote (Indianz) 9/8/16, Federal Bill passes first vote to bring school choice to Native American students in BIE schools (American Federation for Children) 9/8/16, Inside Sen. McCain's fight to correct a catch-22 holding back Arizona's Native American students (The 74) 8/8/16


Title: Student Success Act

News Articles: House approves Nolan amendment for tribal schools (Native Biz) 2/27/15


Title: American Indian Teacher Loan Forgiveness Act of 2015

News Articles: Native American education goes to congress: 7 bills to watch (Indian Country Today) 6/10/2015


See also: S.464

Title: Native Hawaiian Education Reauthorization Act of 2015

News Articles: Native American bills we're watching in the 114th Congress (Noodls) 3/11/16, Native American Education Goes to Congress: 7 Bills to Watch (Indian Country Today) 6/10/2015


Title: Dine College Act of 2015


Title: National Museum of Asian Pacific American History and Culture Act


Title: Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Museum of Asian Pacific American History and Culture Act


See Also: S.2842

Title: Johnson-O'Malley Supplemental Indian Education Program Modernization Act


Title: Tribal Early Childhood, Education, and Related Services Integration Act of 2016


Title: To support the education of Indian children


See Also: S.3040

Title: Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017. See TITLE III DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: INDIAN EDUCATION

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Federal Indian Relations


Title: Department of the Interior Tribal Self-Governance Act of 2015


Title: A bill to exempt the Indian Health Service, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and certain other programs for Indians from sequestration

News Articles: Native American Education Goes to Congress: 7 Bills to Watch (Indian Country Today) 6/10/2015, Tester, Udall introduce bill to prevent damaging cuts in Indian Country (Valley Daily Post) 6/5/2015


Title: Criminal Alien Deportation Act


Title: Criminal Alien Notification Act


Title: Interior Improvement Act

News Articles: Senate committee approves bill to reform land-into-trust process (Indianz) 12/2/15, Wyoming Senator Barrasso introduces Carcieri compromise bill (National Law Review) 11/17/15, United States: Sen. Barrasso Introduces Carcieri Compromise Bill (Mondaq) 11/4/15, USET welcomes new version of fix to land-into-trust decision (Indianz) 8/5/15, Comprehensive Fee-to-Trust Bill Introduced in Senate (CSAC) 7/31/15, Sen. Barrasso introduces another version of land-into-trust fix (Indianz) 7/29/15


Title: A bill to reaffirm that certain land has been taken into trust for the benefit of certain Indian tribes


Title: Keeping out Illegal Drugs (KIDs) Act of 2015


Title: Gold King Mine Spill Recovery Act of 2015


See Also: H.R.5478

Title: Pueblo de Cochiti Self-Governance Act

News Articles: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs approves eight bills at meeting (Indianz) 4/28/16


Title: Gold King Act


See Also: H.R.5538

Title: Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017.

News Articles: Federal authorities file warrant for shield stolen from Acoma Pueblo (Indianz) 8/2/16, Funding bill for Indian Country clears House for first time in years (Indianz) 7/14/16, Amendment seeks to outlaw fracking regulation in Indian Country (Indianz) 7/13/16, Rep. Tom Cole suffers defeat as land-into-trust fix goes down in House (Indianz) 7/13/16, Lawmakers set to take up funding bill for Indian Country programs (Indianz) 7/5/16, A 'partial' land-into-trust fix added to Interior appropriations bill (Indianz) 6/16/16, More money for safety, sanitation needed at Columbia River tribal sites, says federal bill (Oregon Live) 6/16/16, Appropriations Committee approves fiscal year 2017 Interior and Environment Bill (Committee on Appropriatins Press Release) 6/15/16


Title: Child and Elderly Missing Person Alert Program of 2016


See Also: S.1645

Title: Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016.


Title: State and Tribal Government Sovereignty Protection Act of 2016


See Also: S.2938

Title: Certainty for States and Tribes Act

News Articles: Bill revives tribal-state royalty committee at Interior Department (Indianz) 6/7/16


Title: Requirements, Expectations, and Standard Procedures for Executive Consultation with Tribes (RESPECT) Act


Title: Repealing Existing Substandard Provisions Encouraging Conciliation with Tribes (RESPECT) Act

News Articles: Native people deserve our full RESPECT [RESPECT Act] (Rapid City Journal) 9/20/16, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs advances the RESPECT Act (Indianz) 9/14/16

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Health & Welfare


See Also: H.R.3080

Title: Tribal Employment and Jobs Protection Act

News Articles: House Ways & Means Committee issues report on tribal employment, jobs protection act (Insurance News Net) 7/8/16, Lawmakers eye employer mandate exemption for Tribes (Before It's News) 5/27/16, Lawmakers seek to exempt tribes from ACA large employer mandate (Forbes) 7/17/15, Tribes push to end Affordable Care Act coverage requirement (Rapid City Journal) 7/17/15


Title: Tribal Nutrition Improvement Act of 2015


Title: A bill to correct inconsistencies in the definitions relating to Native Americans in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

News Articles: Murkowski bill fixes definition of “Indian” in Affordable Care Act (Alaska Native News) 10/6/15


Title: Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts Act of 2015

News Articles: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs approves eight bills at meeting (Indianz) 4/28/16


Title: A bill to provide for rental assistance for homeless or at-risk Indian veterans

News Articles: Tester, Daines lead effort to combat Native American veteran homelessness (WN) 11/12/15


Title: Tribal Veterans Health Care Enhancement Act

News Articles: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs approves two bills at meeting (Indianz) 6/9/16, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs considers two bills at meeting (Indianz) 6/6/16


See Also: H.R.4289

Title: A bill to provide for the conveyance of certain property to the Tanana Tribal Council located in Tanana, Alaska, and to the Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation located in Dillingham, Alaska, and for other purposes.

News Articles: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs taking quick action on bills (Indianz) 5/12/16, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs approves eight bills at meeting (Indianz) 4/28/16


Title: Indian Health Service Accountability Act of 2016

News Articles: IHS accountability bill passed by US Senate committee (KEVN) 9/21/16, IHS supports goals of bill addressing reservation hospitals (Native Times) 6/18/16, Lawmakers eye employer mandate exemption for Tribes (Before It's News) 5/27/16, Indian Health Service reform efforts gaining steam on Capitol Hill (Indianz) 5/25/16


See also: S.710

Title: Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Reauthorization Act of 2015

News Articles: Tribal housing grant program passes the House, still needs re-authorization (FCNL) 4/10/15; Native American housing legislation (NAHASDA) passes House (AK Biz Mag) 3/23/15; Senate bill would save Navajo Nation housing monies (Indian Country Today) 3/16/15


Title: Indian Health Service Advance Appropriations Act of 2015


Title: To amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to make certain grants to assist nursing homes for veterans located on tribal lands.


See also: S.835

Title: Tribal Adoption Parity Act


See also: S.536

Title: Indian Health Service Health Professions Tax Fairness Act of 2015


Title: Tribal TANF Fairness Act of 2015


Title: Native American Suicide Prevention Act of 2015


Title: Tribal Nutrition Improvement Act of 2015

News Articles: Bill would extend child nutrition programs to Indian tribes (The Hill) 9/15/15


Title: HEALTTH Act


Title: Drug-Free Indian Health Service Act of 2016

News Articles: Bill seeks random drug tests for Indian Health Service employees (Indianz) 6/10/16


See Also: S.3356

Title: Native American Health Savings Improvement Act

News Articles: Feds move to eliminate Native American healthcare limitation (The Morning Sun) 6/27/16

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Lands & Natural Resources


Title: Oregon and California Land Grant Act of 2015


Title: Klamath Basin Water Recovery and Economic Restoration Act of 2015

News Article: Saving the salmon: Feds, States, Tribes ink plan to demolish four Klamath River dams (Indian Country Today) 4/14/16, Officials sign unusual pact to tear down Klamath dams (Valdosta Daily Times) 4/6/16, Klamath Dam removal plan revived, with plan to bypass Congress (Pamplin Media) 2/3/16, PacifiCorp pursues dam removal after collapse of Klamath legislation (OPB) 1/20/16, Land for Klamath Tribes identified (Herald and News) 5/30/2015


See also: H.R. 407 and H.R. 249

Title: A bill to amend the Act of June 18, 1934, to reaffirm the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to take land into trust for Indian tribes

News Articles: Congress yet to take action on Carcieri land-into-trust decision (Indianz) 10/28/15, Sen. Barrasso introduces another version of land-into-trust fix (Indianz) 7/29/15, Bill introduced in Senate to fix Carcieri land-into-trust decision (Indianz) 3/16/15


See also: H.R. 1438

Title: Oregon Coastal Land Act


See also: H.R. 1436

Title: Cow Creek Umpqua Land Conveyance Act


See also: H.R. 1437

Title: A bill to amend the Coquille Restoration Act to clarify certain provisions relating to the management of the Coquille Forest


See Also: H.R.5633

Title: Blackfeet Water Rights Settlement Act of 2015

News Articles: Interior Secretary Jewell, Deputy Secretary Connor celebrate Indian water rights settlements (Indian Country Today) 1/15/17, US House approves Blackfeet water settlement (Great Falls Tribune) 12/8/16, Blackfeet Water compact sails through key committee (Flathead Beacon) 11/16/16, U.S. Senate approves Blackfeet Water Compact (Flathead Beacon) 9/15/16, Montana tribe's water deal clears major Senate milestone (High Country News) 2/5/16, Blackfeet water settlement clears U.S. Senate committee (Great Falls Tribune) 2/4/16, Senate Indian Affairs Committee passes two water bills at meeting (Indianz) 2/3/16, U.S. Senate Panel Delays Vote on Blackfeet Water Agreement (Flathead Beacon) 12/2/15


Title: Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project Phase III Act of 2015

News Articles: In rare bipartisan decision, Senate approves Yakima water projects (High Country News) 4/22/16, Sen. Cantwell introduces bill aimed at ensuring water supply for Yakima River Basin (Register Guard) 7/01/15


Title: Alaska Native Veterans Land Alottment Equity Act


See Also: H.R.5984

Title: Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians Water Rights Settlement Act

News Articles: Interior Secretary Jewell, Deputy Secretary Connor celebrate Indian water rights settlements (Indian Country Today) 1/15/17, Congress approves Pechanga water settlement (Valley News) 12/25/16, House panel considers draft of Pechanga Band water rights bill (Indianz) 6/20/16, Senate Indian Affairs Committee passes two water bills at meeting (Indianz) 2/3/16


Title: Southern Utah Open OHV Areas Act


Title: Moapa Band of Paiutes Land Conveyance Act

News Articles: Reid Introduces The Moapa Band of Paiutes Land Conveyance Act (Office of Sen. Reid) 8/6/15


See Also: H.R.8

Title: North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act of 2016

News Articles: US senators make plea to revive energy bill after House says time ran out (SNL Financial) 12/8/16


Title: A bill to amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to recognize Alexander Creek, Alaska, as a Native village, and for other purposes


See Also: H.R. 2811

Title: Save Oak Flat Act

News Articles: Did Obama just block the sale of sacred Apache land to a foreign mining company? Well… (Indian Country Today) 3/17/16, Cronkite news: Apache leader welcomes listing at sacred Oak Flat (Indianz) 3/15/16, President Obama's decree may save sacred Apache ceremonial land from being made into a copper mine (OpEdNews) 3/14/16, Sanders champions legislation to protect Oak Flat (Indian Country Today) 3/2/16


See Also: H.R.4289

Title: A bill to provide for the conveyance of certain property to the Tanana Tribal Council located in Tanana, Alaska, and to the Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation located in Dillingham, Alaska, and for other purposes


Title: Reservation Land Consolidation Act of 2016

News Articles: Tester introduces bill to fix checkerboarding of reservation land (Noodls) 3/4/16


Title: A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to allow preservation leasing as a form of compensatory mitigation for discharges of dredged or fill material affecting State or Indian land, and for other purposes


Title: A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to exempt Indian tribes from compensatory mitigation requirements in connection with certain discharges of dredged or fill material, and for other purposes


Title: Spokane Tribe of Indians of the Spokane Reservation Equitable Compensation Act


See Also: H.R.4131, H.R.5303, S.1979, S.1645, H.R.2822, S.3222, H.R.5811

Title: Water Resources Development Act of 2016

News Articles: House votes to return Kennewick Man to tribes (Columbia Basin Herald) 10/5/16, Remains of Kennewick Man are a step closer to being returned to the tribes (KAPP-TV) 9/15/16, Columbia River tribes one step closer to federal government fulfilling housing promise (Oregon Live) 9/15/16


See Also: H.R.4255

Title: A bill to provide that the pueblo of Santa Clara may lease for 99 years certain restricted land, and for other purposes

News Articles: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs approves two bills at meeting (Indianz) 6/9/16, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs considers two bills at meeting (Indianz) 6/6/16, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs taking quick action on bills (Indianz) 5/12/16


See Also: H.R.5433

Title: A bill to amend the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantification Act of 2010 to clarify the use of amounts in the WMAT Settlement Fund

News Articles: Cronkite News: Senate committee takes on tribal water issues (Indianz) 6/30/16


Title: Alaska Native Claims Settlement Improvement Act of 2016


Title: Alaska Land Use Council Act


Title: Salish and Kootenai Water Rights Settlement Act of 2016

News Articles: Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes press for water deal (Indianz) 6/30/16


Title: Tribal Forestry Participation and Protection Act of 2016

News Articles: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs to hear testimony on wildfires (Indianz) 6/6/16


See Also: H.R.5871

Title: Spearfish Canyon and Bismarck Lake Land Exchange Act

News Articles: Lakota Country Times: Rosebud Sioux Tribe slams land transfer bill (Indianz) 9/14/16


Title: Alaska Native Claims Settlement Improvement Act of 2016


See Also: H.R.5811, S.2848

Title: Columbia River In-Lieu and Treaty Fishing Access Sites Improvement Act 

News Articles: Columbia River tribes one step closer to federal government fulfilling housing promise (Oregon Live) 9/15/16


Title:The Hualapai Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act

News Articles: Arizona senators introduce tribal water rights bill (Arizona Business Daily) 10/23/16, Cronkite News: Hualapai Tribe pushes for water rights settlement (Indianz) 10/6/16, Senate bill would settle Hualapai claims to Colorado River water (KNAU) 9/23/16, Flake, McCain introduce major Arizona water settlement bill (Big News) 9/11/16


Title: Navajo Utah Water Rights Settlement Act of 2016


Title: RECLAIM Act of 2016.


Title: Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act. See Title VI-ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS REGARDING INDIAN TRIBES.


Title: Return of Certain Lands at Fort Wingate to The Original Inhabitants Act

News Articles: Fort Wingate back to Indian Country: Pueblo say ‘yes,’ Navajo Nation says ‘maybe’ (Indian Country Today) 7/23/15, Inter-tribal dispute over land in New Mexico aired at hearing (Indianz) 7/16/15


Title: Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians Land Transfer Act of 2015

News Articles: Congress fails to act on proposal to designate Santa Ynez Valley land as reservation land (KCLU) 12/16/16, Bill to expand Chumash land dies due to inaction (Edhat) 12/16/16, No peace in the valley (Lompoc Record) 7/28/16, Showdown looms as controversial Chumash land trust bill advances (Pacific Coast Business Time) 7/22/16


Title: To amend the San Luis Rey Indian Water Rights Settlement Act to clarify certain settlement terms, and for other purposes


Title: Samish Indian Nation Land Conveyance Act of 2015


See Also: S.2017

Title: To amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to provide that Alexander Creek, Alaska, is and shall be recognized as an eligible Native village under that Act, and for other purposes


Title: Pascua Yaqui Tribe Land Conveyance Act of 2015

News Articles: House passes land-into-trust bills for tribes in Nevada and Arizona (Indianz) 6/8/16


Title: Alaska Native Veterans Land Allotment Equity Act


Title: Lytton Rancheria Homelands Act of 2015

News Articles: House Natural Resources Committee Passes Rep. Huffman's Improved Lytton–Sonoma Legislation (Rep. Huffman) 2/4/16


Title: Tribal Coastal Resiliency Act


Title: Western Oregon Tribal Fairness Act

News Articles: Bill boosting tribal land rights in Southern Oregon passes U.S. House (Mail Tribune) 9/17/15


See Also: S. 1822

Title: To take certain Federal land located in Tuolumne County, California, into trust for the benefit of the Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians, and for other purposes

News Articles: House approves bills to transfer federal lands to tribes in California (Indianz) 7/6/16


Title: Relating to certain Indian land-related takings claims of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan and its individual members


See Also: S.1931

Title: To reaffirm the trust status of land taken into trust by the United States pursuant to the Act of June 18, 1934, for the benefit of an Indian tribe that was federally recognized on the date that the land was taken into trust, and for other purposes

News Articles: Sen. Barrasso introduces another version of land-into-trust fix (Indianz) 7/29/15, Senate Indian Affairs Committee to take up land-into-trust fix (Indianz) 7/27/15, Gov. Walker can help protect rural Alaskans by dropping tribal land trust suit (Alaska Dispatch News) 7/24/15, House lawmakers introduce new version of land-into-trust fix (Indianz) 7/24/15, Cole, McCollum introduce bill to reaffirm tribal trust agreements (The Daily Ardmoreite) 7/24/15


Title: To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to exempt Indian tribes from compensatory mitigation requirements in connection with certain discharges of dredged or fill material, and for other purposes


Title: To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to allow preservation leasing as a form of compensatory mitigation for discharges of dredged or fill material affecting State or Indian land, and for other purposes


Title: Eastern Band Cherokee Historic Lands Reacquisition Act


Title: Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument Act

News Articles: Grand Canyon tribe fears for its future amid battle against uranium mining (The Independent) 8/29/16, Obama receives 550,000 signatures demanding he designate Grand Canyon National Monument (Phoenix New Times) 7/7/16, Don't just save the Grand Canyon. Save the wider region, too. (High Country News) 6/22/16, Fight over Grand Canyon pits Native Americans against John McCain (GRIST) 6/17/16, Tribes, Arizona politician ask Obama to protect nearly 2M acres at Grand Canyon (KTAR) 4/28/16, Bill would protect 1.7 million acres near Grand Canyon as National Monument (Biological Diversity) 11/3/15


Title: To make technical amendments to the Act of December 22, 1974, relating to lands of the Navajo Tribe, and for other purposes


Title: Revitalizing the Economy of Coal Communities by Leveraging Local Activities and Investing More (RECLAIM) Act of 2016

H.R. 4685

Title: Tule River Indian Reservation Land Trust, Health, and Economic Development Act

News Articles: Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on the following bills: S. 2285, S. 3234, S. 3261 & H.R. 4685 (U.S. Senate on Indian Affairs) 8/29/16, House approves bills to transfer federal lands to tribes in California (Indianz) 7/6/16


Title: To more accurately identify and transfer subsurface gravel sources originally intended to be made available to the Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation in exchange for its relinquishment of related property rights


Title: Poarch Band of Creek Indians Land Reaffirmation Act

News Articles: Poarch Band seeks a partial Carcieri fix for existing trust lands (Indianz) 6/20/16


Title: Great Bend of the Gila National Monument Establishment Act

News Articles: Native American tribes, Grijalva lead move to conserve Gila River land (Cronkite News) 9/8/16


See Also: S.14

Title: Utah Public Lands Initiative Act

News Articles: Ute Tribe declares political war with Rep. Rob Bishop (Salt Lake Tribune) 10/18/16, Bishop approves first Indian land theft in 100 years denying existence of federal law (UB Media) 10/8/16, Ute tribe opposes PLI "land grab" (UB Media) 10/4/16, Ute Tribe continues battle against 'modern day Indian land grab' (Indianz) 9/28/16, UTE Indian Tribe fights to protect reservation from a modern day Indian land grab (KLKN TV) 9/23/16, US bill seeks first Native American land grab in 100 years (Readers Supported News) 9/23/16, Bill slammed as 'modern day Indian land grab' moves forward (Indianz) 9/22/16, Utah Republican moves quickly on 'modern day Indian land grab' (Indianz) 9/19/16, Emotions run strong as #NoDAPL seeps into debate on controversial public lands bill (Indianz) 9/14/16


Title: Shee Atiká Land Entitlement (SALE) Act

H.R.5984 -

Title: Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians Water Rights Settlement Act


Title: To provide for the equitable settlement of certain Indian land disputes regarding land in Illinois, and for other purposes


Title: Moapa Band of Paiutes Land Conveyance Act


Title: Know Your Oil Act of 2016


Title: Canyon Village Land Conveyance Act


Title:  A bill to transfer certain land from the Secretary of the Army, and for other purposes. See Subsection B STANDING ROCK LAND TRANSFER


Title: To revise the Yurok reservation, and for other purposes.

H.R.6529 -ADDED 1/06/17

Title: Chugach Region Lands Study Act

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Tribal Recognition


See also: H.R. 286

Title: Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians Restoration Act of 2015

News Articles: Montana and Virginia tribes 'duped' with federal recognition bill (Indianz) 9/16/16, Waiting for the day that never comes (Missoula News) 4/14/16, Turtle Mountain documents could aid Little Shell Tribe (Great Falls Tribune) 3/8/16, Little Shell Tribe: support passage of Restoration Act (Missoulian) 2/29/16, Will the Little Shell Tribe finally be recognized? (Char-Koosta News) 2/4/16, House subcommittee embraces two tribal federal recognition bills (Indianz) 9/30/15, Montana tribe's hopes for recognition buoyed by rule changes (AP) 7/03/15


See Also: H.R.872

Title: Thomasina E. Jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act of 2015

News Articles: Montana and Virginia tribes 'duped' with federal recognition bill (Indianz) 9/16/16, Virginia's Indian tribes clear another hurdle toward federal recognition (Washington Post) 9/15/16, House subcommittee embraces two tribal federal recognition bills (Indianz) 9/30/15, Recognizing the first people (FCNL) 4/10/15


Title: Unrecognized Southeast Alaska Native Communities Recognition and Compensation Act

News Articles: Sens. Murkowski, Sullivan introduce legislation to give lands back to five Southeast Alaska Native communities (US Department of Energy) 3/26/15


See Also: H.R.184

Title: Lumbee Recognition Act

News Articles: Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina continuing fight for federal recognition (World Casino News) 9/7/16, Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on the following bills: S. 2285, S. 3234, S. 3261 & H.R. 4685 (U.S. Senate on Indian Affairs) 8/29/16, Sen. Burr Introduces Lumbee Recognition Act (Charlotte Sun Time) 11/17/15


Title: Duwamish Tribal Recognition Act

News Articles: Duwamish still waiting for meeting with Interior Secretary Jewell (Indian Country Today) 11/16/15, Duwamish Tribe denied federal recognition (Seattle Times) 7/04/15


Title: Tribal Recognition Act of 2015

News Articles: HR3764 is on the move—bill blocks recognition of Indian tribes without Congressional vote (Hawai'i Free Press) 10/3/16, Montana and Virginia tribes 'duped' with federal recognition bill (Indianz) 9/16/16, Virginia's Indian tribes clear another hurdle toward federal recognition (Washington Post) 9/15/16, House committee advances controversial federal recognition bill (Indianz) 9/9/16, House committee schedules markup on controversial federal recognition bill (Indianz) 9/6/16, Tribal Recognition Act, a controversial bill that strips the Bureau of Indian Affairs of its ability (Indianz) 12/8/15, House committee holds second hearing on federal recognition bill (Indianz) 12/2/15, Rep. Bishop introduces Tribal Recognition Act of 2015 (Natural Resources House Committee) 11/15/15, US official: Congress shouldn't control tribal recognition (AP) 10/28/15


Title: Burt Lake Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians Reaffirmation Act


Title: Muscogee Nation of Florida Federal Recognition Act


Title: To provide the right of American Indians born in Canada or the United States to pass the borders of the United States to any individual who is a member, or is eligible to be a member, of a Federally recognized Indian tribe in the United States or Canada, and for other purposes

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General Native American Affairs


See Also: H.Res.807

Title: A resolution designating May 5, 2017, as the "National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Native Women and Girls"

News Article: Effort builds for missing and murdered Native women and girls (Indianz) 6/29/16


Title: A resolution designating November 5, 2016, as National Bison Day.


Title: A resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Alaska Federation of Natives.


Title: A resolution recognizing National Native American Heritage Month and celebrating the heritages and cultures of Native Americans and the contributions of Native Americans to the United States


Title: Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2015

News Articles: Civil and Human Rights Coalition applauds Senator Murkowski's co-sponsorship of bipartisan Voting Rights Act restoration (Civil Rights) 9/11/15


Title: Native American Voting Rights Act of 2015

News Articles: Udall pushes to improve voter access for Native Americans (Tom Udall) 8/1/15, Tester leads charge to improve voter access for Native Americans (Vote Smart) 7/31/15


See Also: H.R.4131

Title: Bring the Ancient One Home Act of 2015

News Articles: House votes to return Kennewick Man to tribes (Columbia Basin Herald) 10/5/16, The ‘Ancient One,’ Kennewick Man, is Native American and will soon get a tribal burial (Inquistor) 5/2/16, Corps determines Kennewick Man is Native American (The Modesto Bee) 4/27/16, Tribes encouraged that Kennewick Man will be reburied (Tri-City Herald) 8/20/15


Title: Repealing Existing Substandard Provisions Encouraging Conciliation with Tribes (RESPECT) Act


Title: Tribal Law and Order Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2016

News Articles: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs taking quick action on bills (Indianz) 5/12/16


Title: Safeguard Tribal Objects of Patrimony (STOP) Act

News Articles: Tribes seek greater protections for sacred and cultural property (Indianz) 10/18/16, Heinrich: U.S. must help safeguard tribal patrimony (Daily Post) 8/21/16, Tougher proposals for protecting tribal items face criticism (AP) 8/12/16, Protecting sacred objects bill introduced in Senate (Indian Country Today) 8/7/16, Federal authorities file warrant for shield stolen from Acoma Pueblo (Indianz) 8/2/16, Heinrich announces growing bipartisan support for tribal artifacts bill (Santa Fe Hometown News) 7/19/16, Heinrich introduces bill to prohibit exporting sacred Native American items (Sen. Heinrich) 7/6/16, Tribes support bill in Senate to stop the export of cultural property (Indianz) 7/6/16, Navajo Nation supports cultural items bill (Farmington Daily Times) 6/24/16


See Also: H.R.5914

Title: A bill to repeal the Act entitled "An Act to confer jurisdiction on the State of Iowa over offenses committed by or against Indians on the Sac and Fox Indian Reservation"


Title: Justice for Native Survivors of Sexual Violence Act..


See Also: S.Con.Res.49

Title: PROTECT Patrimony Resolution

News Articles: Congress condemns trafficking of Native American objects (Arizona Public Media) 10/3/16, Heinrich: U.S. must help safeguard tribal patrimony (Daily Post) 8/21/16, Tougher proposals for protecting tribal items face criticism (AP) 8/12/16, Protecting sacred objects bill introduced in Senate (Indian Country Today) 8/7/16, Federal authorities file warrant for shield stolen from Acoma Pueblo (Indianz) 8/2/16, Heinrich announces growing bipartisan support for tribal artifacts bill (Santa Fe Hometown News) 7/19/16, Heinrich introduces bill to prohibit exporting sacred Native American items (Sen. Heinrich) 7/6/16, Tribes support bill in Senate to stop the export of cultural property (Indianz) 7/6/16, Navajo Nation supports cultural items bill (Farmington Daily Times) 6/24/16


Title: American Indian Empowerment Act of 2015


Title: Non-Disparagement of Native American Persons or Peoples in Trademark Registration Act of 2015


See Also: S.2637

Title: To amend the Migratory Bird Treaty Act to exempt certain Alaskan Native articles from prohibitions against sale of items containing nonedible migratory bird parts, and for other purposes.


Title: American Indian Trust Responsibility Review Act of 2015


See Also: S.1845

Title: Wild Horse Oversight Act


Title: Respect for Native Americans in Professional Sports Act of 2015


Title: To grant a Federal charter to the National American Indian Veterans, Incorporated


Title: To amend title 18, United States Code, to enhance protections of Native American cultural objects, and for other purposes

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